We are a training and educational organisation focusing on the improvement of communication skills and language skills with children under the age of 6. We focus on using sign supported learning and music to improve the communication skills of children with the help of our friends Jenkins the Helpful Cat and Pixie the Fairy. We offer courses to parents but also offer training programmes to Early Years professionals to allow them to introduce the model into their settings. More information about the model is available here
We also organise Erasmus mobility programmes for both VET childcare professionals and trainees. More information is available here
We also organise Erasmus mobility programmes for both VET childcare professionals and trainees. More information is available here

Using sign supported learning to improve early second language learning
Recent studies indicate that young children learn languages naturally and
that the best time for children to learn another language is in the first three to four years of their lives.
This has encouraged some parents to enroll the children as young as 1 to 2 years of age in kindergartens where the language of instruction is not their own first language.
However having a classroom full of two year olds who do neither speak nor understand the language of instruction can be very challenging.
As an experienced educator you will be familiar with the
stage of the silent period and the strategies to deal with it. You will probably already be using lots of pictures, simple rhyming songs and actions. We have however discovered that if actions are brought further and used in the form of proper signs, you will be able to create a reassuring and emotionally supporting environment for your young learners very quickly. Try it. You only need to use a few signs to start!
This model of learning is being tested and developed within 3 countries within the Learn English through Signs Erasmus plus project. More information is available from
Recent studies indicate that young children learn languages naturally and
that the best time for children to learn another language is in the first three to four years of their lives.
This has encouraged some parents to enroll the children as young as 1 to 2 years of age in kindergartens where the language of instruction is not their own first language.
However having a classroom full of two year olds who do neither speak nor understand the language of instruction can be very challenging.
As an experienced educator you will be familiar with the
stage of the silent period and the strategies to deal with it. You will probably already be using lots of pictures, simple rhyming songs and actions. We have however discovered that if actions are brought further and used in the form of proper signs, you will be able to create a reassuring and emotionally supporting environment for your young learners very quickly. Try it. You only need to use a few signs to start!
This model of learning is being tested and developed within 3 countries within the Learn English through Signs Erasmus plus project. More information is available from
A Good Start for All? Results from the Erasmus Plus conference on 15th Sept
The conference focused on inclusive methods of education for pre school children developed within the Erasmus Plus project “A Good Start for All” and activities across Europe.
Information about the conference can be found at the project webpage A Good Start for All
The results of the project are as follows can be found here